Bicarbonate Sodium Fluoromethane
बी.एस.एफ. का पूर्ण रूप
बाइकार्बोनेट सोडियम फ्लोरोमेथेन
This type of fire extinguisher is used to extinguish 'D' class fire.(इस प्रकार के अग्निशामक यंत्रो का प्रयोग 'डी' श्रेणी की आग को बुझाने के लिए किया जाता है)
Fire Extinguisher (अग्निशामक यंत्र)
Fire extinguishers are used to put out fires in the workshop.Fire extinguishers are kept there in the workshop, where everyone can access and control the fire in case of an emergency.
There are three types of fire extinguishers.
1.CARBON TETRA CHLORIDE OR CARBON DIOXIDE ( C.T.C- कार्बन टेट्रा क्लोराइड या कार्बन डाइ -ऑक्साइड )
This type of fire extinguisher is filled with carbon tetra chloride or carbon dioxide gas which is fire retardant. It is used to extinguish 'C' and 'D' class fires.
2.DRY CHEMICAL POWDER (सूखा रसायन पाउडर)
These types of fire extinguishers are used to extinguish 'A' and 'B' category fires.
3.SODA GAS OR BSF (सोडा गैस या बी.एस.एफ)
This type of fire extinguisher is used to extinguish 'D' class fire